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Why should YOU want to support telehealth??

Some people dream of success. We make it happen.
From the Patients Perspective


They are already feeling stressed.  They only need to see a Specialist if there is something wrong.  Then they learn that their appointment is a long distance away and can't be arranged for days (or weeks) and their anxiety increases.


The cost of getting the patient to the Specialist may be perceived as cheap.  A bit of fuel in the car and a couple of hours.  But what if the patient cannot drive themselves?  What if they do not have a car?


What if the distances are measured in hundreds of Kilometers, or require a plane flight?  What if there is a fracture to contend with, or if mental health is a factor?


It doesn't take much to make this a VERY expensive appointment.

The Dr calls.jpg
The technology -
Medical eDevices


Optimised for Teleconsulting for various specialties with software and hardware that can capture, store and transmit the images, sounds, analyses or data and Vital Signs.


These include:








•WiFi scale

•Mobile Ultrasound

From the Specialists Perspective



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